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Work Health & Safety

As a core value to Grocorp business activities we are committed to the prevention of incidents by
providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all Grocorp employees, contractors,
visitors as well as the broader community.

The approach of Grocorp to Work Health & Safety (WHS) is one of continuous improvement by
establishing measurable goals and objectives and consistently reviewing / revising our processes in WHS
performance with the aim to eliminate incidents / injuries within the workplace and provide safe and
healthy working conditions. This is to be achieved by enhancing the skills, knowledge and commitment
of its workforce, which embraces all Staff Members, Contractors and Suppliers. We are committed to
complying with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.
To attain this objective our aims are to:

  • Comply with all legal and other requirements including WHS Legislation, Standards and
    Codes of Practice
  • To consult and communicate with employees regarding HSEQMS issues
  • Encouraging workers to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of
    others who may be affected by their actions or omissions.
  • Apply Risk Management processes that identifies, evaluates and controls risks with the
    specific aim of risk elimination or reduction of incidents / injuries
  • Provide each Grocorp employee with appropriate training, in health and safety procedures,
    foreseeable hazards, and controls.
  • Provide each Grocorp worker with adequate resources and equipment to maintain an
    effective health and safety program and to consistently perform their duties in a safe
  • For Line Managers understand and dutifully undertake their HSEQ duty of care / due
    diligence responsibilities to all relevant Staff, Contractors, Visitors and all Members of the
  • Be acknowledged as a good corporate citizen concerned for the safety and well-being of
    our staff, all contractors and visitors.

The Directors of Grocorp, are committed to continuously improving safe working practices and WHS
performance within the Company and it is essential that all employees, contractors and suppliers
associated with our operations recognise, contribute and abide with the Company commitment to the
prevention of all accidents within the workplace.
This policy is communicated throughout the organisation, available to internal and external stakeholders
and regularly reviewed for continued suitability.